Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hi, my name is Michele and I am an addict.

I am going to admit something that makes me a little uncomfortable.

I am addicted to everything "self help". Books and internet articles and wesbites mainly. I knew I liked to read them but in the last few days I realize I have a very big problem with them. 

I am addicted to them. In fact, today when I thought about giving them up, I got nervous. Really nervous, panicky but I am going to do it. I have decided that as of today, I am eliminating them for 30 days. Yup, doing it. It is going to be difficult and makes me anxious.  Especially right now. I have a lot going on in my life. But I have come to the biggest conclusion in a long time:  life needs to be lived not just thought about.

I read self help books and articles endlessly looking for that "one thing" that is going to make my life "perfect". I keep searching. I  know it's out there. This compulsion is so bad that I just figured out that when I think I've found that "one thing", that "aha moment", I just go find ANOTHER self help book on THAT subject!! Then the next one! and the next one. . . . it's endless and honestly, unhealthy.

As I cleaned up my bedside area and rearranged things yesterday, I found 12, yes 12!, self help type  books that I put back beside my bed as if I was reading them all. Who does this?? I also had 4 regular novels . . . but whatever ;-)  And 3 self help books from the library in my bag!

Sooo I have decided that I need an intervention. I need to remove self help stuff from my life. Why? Because it is stopping me from living my life. Spending hours reading about it and not putting any of it into action is useless. Only by putting in the EFFORT and taking ACTION, will I potentially find what I am looking for. I can have all the knowledge and theory in the world - if I do not actually USE the information, it cannot help me.

Life is about putting steps into place to move you forward. Each step builds upon the last. If you keep taking the same step over and over again you STAY in the same place. No change takes place. Everything in your life remains the same. If you want changes in your life, it is up to you to make those changes by taking action.

"Never let fear decide your fate."  Awolnation

So if anyone out there has a habit they'd like to break or a change they'd like to make, join me. They say it only takes 30 days to create a new habit. So let's do it! Take Action! Live your life! :-)

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