Monday, April 13, 2009

Why . . .


So here's where I start to whine. I've been sick for the past week, my IT band isn't improving, in fact it's now starting to hurt on the right side as well as the left. Sympathy pain?? I haven't been sick for months . . . I can never tell whether to run while I'm sick. It really is only a cold, but I get periods of extreme tiredness. We were supposed to do 8 km yesterday - that got cancelled and we'll do it tonight. Except I'm pretty darn sure that by tonight I'll be exhausted. I have an appointment after work for laser therapy on my IT band - I don't think that's working and I'm tired of going to the appointments. But she said it needs a minimum of 9 sessions . . . I guess it's not really getting worse . . . but I haven't run very far yet.

I'm pissy because my IT bands are giving me such problems. I suppose I should stop running all together to rest them but I don't want to. I'm already pissed because I can't do my HM. I have my favourite 5km race coming up in June that I can't decide whether to do or not. My whole running life is in a bit of an uproar. I need to decide if and how hard I want to train for triathlons this season . . . I have all kinds of things I want to do at home but I'm a huge procrastinator . . . I'm not altogether happy with life at home right now, feel like I'm doing something wrong at every turn . . .  See told you this is where I start to whine! Well at least this way I get it out.

oh poor me, cause this doesn't happen to anyone else . . . ya right! Suck it up buttercup!

So try back later and see what I end up doing. . . 


  1. at first I was like what the heck, a km, I dont know what that converts to...then I saw the handy dandy converter thingy! Yea for Canada!!!
    Goodluck with the IT band, they can be troublesome, lots of stretching and rest usually help me. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Thanks!! You're my first commenter (is that a word??) Makes me so excited!!
